Ceramics & Exhibitions

Ceramics – Working in Series

I’m often inspired by pieces in museums such as ancient arrowheads, Cycladic figures, traditional pots, or the forms in a painting. Once I latch onto an idea, I will repeat it until I think I’ve got it “just right.”


Pottery and architecture are practical crafts – if the form serves its function well the work will be satisfying. But sometimes while a piece is in my hands it develops into something else, perhaps more sculptural and less practical.

Leaning Slabs

These forms derive directly from the way they are made: two flat slabs, when leather hard, are curved, pushed and squeezed to join at their edges, creating a space between them, then they are attached to a flat slab base which closes the form, so they can hold liquid.

Figure Forms

Abstract painting and indigenous art show that the human figure can be reduced to a minimal geometry but still express stillness or movement. These figure forms are usually three flat slabs cut and bent into shape.


Carey Blyth Gallery, Oxford

Wells Cathedral (online)

Mall Galleries (online)

Zuleika Gallery, Woodstock (online)
2020 & 2021

Sewell Centre, Radley

Exhibition St Quentin La Potterie, France

Residency & Exhibition St Quentin la Potterie France

Oxford Annual Artweeks